Traffic Jam
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Hint: Most traffic is caused by___________.
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2:21,, Easy one for me .
1:00 Pretty easy, considering big words like congestion and rubbernecking.
Ha! No traffic today. We are snowed in. LOL
3:31 with 2 hints. Two long words in one Word Jumble sort of freaked me out! Especially the first word – congestion.
Anyone else have to manually advance to the next letter when typing? I do when I use my phone, and I’m not anywhere near as fast as the rest of you.
Finished in 2:03 with no hints or errors except mistypes I corrected on my own. Rubbernecking initially threw me off but it suddenly clicked. Fun puzzle. An early Happy New Year to all.
Good puzzle. I could not get the word “rubbernecking.” Ha. Ha. Ha. I am getting better att these types of puzzles.
WOW – no traffic slowdowns today! 0:54 with no help. Happy New Year All!
1:42 – One of the best perks of being retired. I DON”T have to deal with all that npw.
Still snowbound in Seattle. I have plenty of time to persevere and complete every game this week — first time I have finished a Word Jumble without help. Love AMAC’s games! Thank you!
Did not do well at all.
4:11 I’ve been out of the traffic for 2 years, now, since I retired. Did anyone else not have to figure out, “volume”? It was just like that, “volume”. I tried to rearrange it, but finally just left it and it worked. Lol.
2:17 w/7 hints.
Where I live, 3 pickups and a tractor is a traffic jam. Thank God.
3:29 with some letter hints. This one is kind of tough. Rubbernecking…??
:31 My father hated rubberneckers. Once he drove right past my car when I was in an accident.
I have no idea what “rubbernecking” is. Used 6 hints on that. My time was horrible.
21 seconds
Most traffic is caused by merging? What does that mean?