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Hint: Common seating sections found in many theaters that are one or more raised seating platform towards the rear of the auditorium, sometimes called galleries.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
6:37. I solved the first four words in a minute or so (with one reveal of a letter). I got stuck on the final word – balconies. I had asked for the first letter and they told me the letter “L”. I guess it threw me for a loop. Have a good day folks.
2:39 … one of my best scores, not sure why….I am not familiar with theatre????
3:54 tough one
Well, I beat ya all (6:46) for the worst time. I’ve never been to the theater,
so maybe that’s why my time is so horribly bad. I had to use a reveal on “balcony”. I got the rest.
1:40 with a few first letter reveals. I’ve only been to high school theatre performances, never one I had to pay for.
4:44 – not bad for me. Didn’t need any hints this time – woohoo!
1:37 which is great but I attribute it to my involvement in community theatre onstage and on crew!
1:21. Fun one.
8:42… with seven letter hints. terrible
2:26 with one letter hint. Not too bad for me.
This was the worst puzzle, technically, I have ever done here. I typed in letters and watched as I typed and the wrong letters came up. Not a keyboard problem, as it does not happen on any other site. And, “raised seating sections” are not balconies they are or were called “Loge seating”. A balcony in a theater is accessible from the 2nd floor or mezzanine, not a raised platform.
2:56 with 6 letter hints! Phooey! But still fun to do!!
Like many others, I did not do well on this one 3:30 with too many hints, too embarrassed to admit.
This was the hardest of your jumbled word puzzles that I have done. Thanks.
5:05 , fastest yet no hints
15 minutes. That was tough.
I solved the puzzle by guessing the word “balconies” in just a few seconds, but it told me it was wrong, even though that was the right answer. Not a fan of this type of puzzle. This was my first attempt.
42 seconds.
4:32 Got stuck on “audience” for the longest time. No hints used, but had to re-scramble the letters 4 times before I finally saw it.