The Trans-Siberian Railway
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Hint: Starting point of the world’s longest railway, where East meets West on an epic journey across Russia.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
3:46…surprised at the words….
1:00 minute! Surprised that the words were generic to trains. I opened this thinking if these are words like Tuesday’s word search puzzle, I might as well pass this one up.
1:03 Scared myself it went so fast!
This jumble could have been about any railroad except for the Moscow item. AMA can do better.
2:40 with a few letter hints before I got the hang of it.
It would be nice if it jumped to the next letter automatically.
7:08 8 letters
58 seconds. Good thing the USA uses these same terms,…
I wish the cursor would automatically jump to the next box when you type a letter, would go so much quicker and easier
2:15 one letter hint on watchman.
1:36 Normally I don’t do this well doing word jumble.
1:30 woo hoo choo choo!
2:30. CHOO CHOO!
4:39 embarrassing…. as you can see I’m not good at Word Jumble!