The Moon
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Hint: Did you hear about the new restaurant on the moon? The food is good, but the ____________ is terrible.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Moonlight? I prefer moonshine.
Hint: the 2nd word is not SHAPES
1:40 What do you call little bugs that live on the moon? Lunar ticks
51 sec
Full moon tonight is a blue moon
i just don’t get it with these puzzles… i am really good at Scrabble [usually win], but terrible with these things. … 3:17 & 9 letter hints
1:23..sun shining today for the first time this week. Maybe I will see the blue moon after all. You guys have a thankful Thursday with a blessed day..
My wife says that a better response is that the ____________ is LACKING.
1:09 with no hints. I would have been under a minute, but, as often happens to me, I forgot to click on “check puzzle” as I was waiting for it to automatically go there when I entered my last letter.
An interesting puzzle indeed. It was much simpler than I made it out to be. I thought it might have been the names of stars but I was wrong. It took me nearly 4 minutes to solve it.
Not bad. 1:12 with 1 letter hint. Haven’t done this good in awhile.
I thought the word was shaped. It was all there. I was trying to figure what shaped was doing on the moon
2:03….I thought it was shapes
51 Seconds. Good one for me!
4:02 with six letter hints on the first two words. Just couldn’t figure ‘em out without help.
44 seconds: a snap.