The Golden Age Of Television
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Hint: This Great actor was known for playing a loud-mouthed bus driver on a classic sitcom, but he also showed his serious side in films like The Hustler. Jackie _________
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
7:00…. I was watching The Price is Right while I did this puzzle. Also, I never heard of.the fourth one…. Took me too many reveals to admit! I think my time will make everyone feel better! Have a great day!
Who was Albright? I failed this miserably!
2:46 no hints; but who was Albright?
I used 12 letter hints. It took me to the end to figure they were looking for actors’ last names. Oh well, complete bomb at my end with 3:41. Have a better try folks than I did.
We didn’t have a TV as kids, still, these people were before my time.
1:57 with several hints on Kramden.
with 9 letter hints
3:49 with only 14 hints. Jackie Gleason loved to play golf, and had a golf cart worth many thousands of dollars loaded with diamonds and gold. One time he neglected to set the brake, and the cart rolled into a water hazard and was totally demolished. He immediate reaction was, “Darn, my cigarettes were in there.”
2:14 with 8 letter hints. I love these puzzles. Always fun!
2:31 and only 10 letter hints. Haha.
it would be a better puzzle if the words were more common to the theme
1:50 but used first letter hints.
I thought I did poorly, as I was stuck on #2 for a while, but I got all 5 without a hint in 3:53
2:43. No hints
4:05 w/3 hints.
4 letter hints, 3 word reveals. Ugh!
4:37 Should have done better.
5:14, 5 letter hints