Thanksgiving Day Parade
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Hint: This jolly fat man always makes an appearance towards the end of the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
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5:05. Not too good. Got stuck on the first one, so went on and got the second right away.. Then had to go all the way to the last one to get another. Gradually got the third and fourth, but remained stuck on the first, but in the end, got it without a reveal.
Thought it was Santa Claus, The Santa Clause was from the Tim Allen movie lololol
2:59. The turkey ‘s in the oven, the table is set . . . Parade in 1 1/2 hrs. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
2:39…good for me. The e in Claus cost me a few seconds.
There is NO “e” in the correct spelling of Santa Claus
:58 but that extra “e” threw me off, too! Someone is getting coal for that one!
3:10 Stuck on Characters.
59 seconds – easy one
Found this puzzle to be difficult. Had difficulty with the word “characters.” Also had some difficulty with the word “balloons.” Good challenging puzzle. Good job AMAC.
2:34. Needed hints for characters and balloons. I know parades are a part of Thanksgiving but I honestly wasn’t expecting such an emphasis. I expected the puzzle to center around more traditional Thanksgiving subjects such as food and perhaps the pilgrims.
Claus doesn’t have an “e”. AMAC needs a proof editor for their puzzles. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 2:32 for my tome. The first one was hard. 5 letter clues till I got it. Lol.
0:55 so far I’m in the lead!
1:12 I suppose it didn’t hurt that I’d recently done the “word search”, so had seen some of them, like “characters”.
You guys spelled Santa Claus wrong, there is no E at the end of his name
1:24. Santa Claus does not have an E in his name.
Never having seen the parades, nor care, I had hoped for something more grateful and honoring the day than this foolishness. Also, Santa CLAUS. sigh.
:55. Easiest one yet
Santa ClausE?
1:03 no reveals
2:43. I’ve seen very little of these parades and really could care less if I see more.. Had to use 8 letter hints. As stated in the comments, Santa Claus has no E.
1:25. Is it just me or is everyone stuffed after Thanksgiving yesterday??
52 seconds. No hints.
Santa Claus…
:47 – And I’m still in a turkey coma!
I believe it is “Claus” not “Clause”!
since when did “Claus” end with an “E”
And “true” was misspelled as TURE in the quiz section!
Games aren’t opening properly
Never saw the name Claus spelled Clause! Or “true” spelled “ture”. And the delay in navigation is frustrating. But it’s Thanksgiving weekend and we’re all a little tired and stuffed! I still enjoyed the games.
Haha! Santa Clause!
Santa Clause? Ture? I’ll be thankful when you get a proofreader. But do enjoy the quizzes.
1:12. The “Santa Clause” was a movie starring Tim Allen as Santa Claus.
Santa Clause? Really? OK…….who am I to call BS?