Thanksgiving Day
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Hint: Thanksgiving is a national holiday that began as a day of giving thanks and sacrifice for the blessing of the what?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
I’m still hunt and peck on the keyboard, but I managed to finish in 1:32 on this one
Hppay Thanksgiving all! Thanks AMAC for getting the quiz loaded during a holiday week of coverage!
0:36 – such an easy one today! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
1:49 no misses. Happy Thanksgiving to all
1;46…2 Hints
1:54 Can’t believe I had such a time seeing November! 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
1:20 no misses
:19 Woo hoo–a new personal best. Grateful to be alive in the greatest country in the world. Wishing God’s blessings and peace for all of you.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Happy Thanksgiving to all! May God bless you all with a wonderful day no matter what you’re doing. He is good all the time!
1:21, happy Thanksgiving to all!
I love these puzzles. It would be nice to have something other than quizzes over the weekend though. Happy Thanksgiving!
I, too, had a hard time with November. 2:19 was my time. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Happy Thanksgiving to all, and hopefully after the 2022 mid-terms we have more to be thankful for!
2:38. I had a problem with the last word – HARVEST. That’s probably because for most of my life I have been a “city” person! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
0:34 had my track shoes on
1:10 Happy Thanksgiving!
1:07 no hints.
1:42. Couldn’t get the “H” in harvest to stay. Finally on the third try it stuck!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Good one!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Enjoy the day with your mask off.
Too easy. Guess AMAC wants to take it easy on us. Finished in 49 seconds, best time ever. May everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember our men and women who can’t be with family and friends today as they defend our freedom. This includes not only our military but also first responders, fire, police, and medical staff who sacrifice so we may celebrate.
1:29 fastest yet on a jumble
34 seconds and I feel like the turkey right now – really stuffed!
1:42 Jumbles aren’t my strong suit. but always fun, just the same. Hope everyone had a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
53 secs Happy Thanksgiving
1:29….had to use 2 letter reveals.
37 seconds – I learned that if I do this puzzle last, I’m much better!
Best ever for me
37 seconds
40 seconds
1:20 Let’s face it, I’m slow!!!
53 seconds, good for me. That one was easy, if my computer could only keep up with my typing.
21 seconds