Turkey Day
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Hint: Which sport typically dominates TV on Thanksgiving?
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
59 seconds! Food and football some of my favorite sports!
Happy Thanksgiving!
2:02 Happy Thanksgiving!
Cornucopia held me up a little. Happy Thanksgiving, all. We’re thankful for AMAC and living in the land of the free and home of the brave.
God’s blessings to all at AMAC & its members. May He bless President Trump forever & always!
2:29 with 1 reveal. Excellent for me, this form of puzzle is not my strong suit.
Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!!!
Where did the 2 “L’s” come from in the final answer? There were no “L’s” in the puzzle. Still I finished the puzzle in 1:22.
1:28…. Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends at AMAC! One of the things I am thankful for today is AMAC, a wonderful alternative to AARP! I feel like someone is standing up for us! I’m thanking God today for His many blessings!
other than the 2 missing ‘L’s, I finished in 1:03 – might be a record for me
2:02 with one word reveal….cornucopia!
2:00 exactly! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and to AMAC!!
First, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. May you have a safe and wonderful day with family and friends. This puzzle was, perhaps purposely, too easy. Finished in 1:06 with no hints, no errors.
This is the worst yet! And that is saying something. Unless Amac can get a handle on the problems with this particular puzzle I will stop opening it to play. This time the last word only had the letters TFAB which which I could not figure out until I just took a guess. This same thing happened one other time, so… Strike 2!
0:57 Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE!!! Hope you have a BLESSED day! (:-) )
Happy Thanksgiving! Good puzzle
49 seconds! Now, Happy Thanksgiving and let’s eat!
0:47 with no hints or misses. My best ever in the word jumble
2:42 Love Thanksgiving!
Part of my problem is I can’t spell. Took a little time to get it, but figured out “cornucopia” and then misspelled it. This is not infrequent for me.
takes me a while to type in the letters 1;44, but this was an easy one for me
48 seconds. Happy Thanksgiving!
4:32 cornucopia took me a bit
4:30. I think I spent most of that time on the word “cornucopia”. I finally gave up and had to use a hint
You finished the puzzle in 1:47
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
0:57 This one was one of the easier ones
0:59 the fastest I have finished the word jumble puzzle. Happy Thanksgiving all. There is much to be thankful for.
1:11 ~ Everyday is a day of thanks giving!
33 seconds Though the Thanksgiving theme made for easy clues.
20 seconds. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
1:25 easiest yet