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Hint: The nickname for Texas is the ______ ______ state?
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
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Tricky! My brain was prepared to think all things Texas…and it was, just tricky!
1:06. I’ll take it with this rusty old brain.
2:10 and no errors, kept looking for the Alamo, how could they leave it out?
1:24 is a good time for me. I got the cities and the nick name easily, but the first one took longer.
Wow. 1:45! I finally kept up with some of you pros!
1:51. Seemed too easy this time.
1:45 – helps to be a native Texan – love that they included republic!
1:45! I think that is my best time for one of these! NO hints, no misses, although the first one took the most time, I’ve been to Texas a few times for work and loved the state. Texas is one of my top 5 states I’d consider moving too if I have to leave where I’m living now.
1:45 but I had a couple of hints 🙂
0.46 seconds! Way to easy. Course I do live in Tx.!
42 seconds!
:58. I was stationed at Ft. Hood in the early ’80’s. Loved my time in TX.I live in Portland Oregon; I should move to TX.
2:15 with 2 letter hints. Could have been faster if I wasn’t distracted by the radio. Texas – I’ve been there and liked it.
If I could type it would have been 33 seconds!
45 seconds. This is my personal best – by far! I’ve been to Texas a couple of times. I was in Dallas when JFK was assassinated (November 22, 1963) ; however, I was in a different part of town when that happened. I was in El Paso a year or so earlier. Texas is a great place to visit – especially in winter. I wouldn’t want to live there though. Their summers are too hot.
31 seconds – best time ever for me. Maybe because I grew up close to Texas (Oklahoma) and have had many friends and family from Texas. Texans are great liberty-loving people and very much like their neighbors on the other side of the Red River, despite our perpetual state rivalries.
32 seconds! Love Texas!!
I live in Texas so I didn’t use any reveals and got the words correct in 2:24…..republic gave me a bit of a challenge.
1:19, my personal best! I am not from Texas, but I got there as soon as I could or so the bumper sticker I bought said. I have traveled there 4 times now and I tried to get my wife to move there, but we finally agreed on our beautiful new home in the beautiful Free State of Idaho.
:33 seconds I have family and friends in Texas.
1:31. Pretty good for me. I was in Texas way back in 1967 when I was a teenager. Only visiting. Kind of hot for me, but a nice state otherwise.
Finished in 1:10 with no errors. A personal best, I believe. Initially confused on the first two words abd skipped then initially couldn’t recall the state nickname. Dallas abd Austin popped right out for me.
Oh my. I missed Austin. Not good.
Dallas wasn’t even jumbled. ??? Fun game, though.
This was the easiest jumble I’ve done. The city names were easy and the nickname was easy. That helped me figure out Republic.
1:24 not great but OK!
I knew all the answers, but it still took me 2:48 to finish. That’s because I punched a wrong letter somewhere and had to go back and correct everything, which took even longer than entering them in the first place.
The Jumbles are much easier to do if you do the Word Search first!
0:37. My best time ever. I am not a native, but I do live now in South Texas. Love it here!
25 seconds.