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Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
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Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: Customers walk around supermarkets and serve themselves by placing their items into a shopping _______ .
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:55 thought I nailed it at 1:05 but had kitchen wrong
2:00 Me too, but got stuck on household.
1:43 with 2 letters revealed. I’m finally getting good at these.
58 seconds; I think that’s my fastest ever on this type puzzle!!
:46…. The best I’ve ever done on these puzzles! I usually need reveals. This was a good way to start the day! 🙂
1:27 my best time ever! Gee, wonder why? Lol. This will never happen again!
40 seconds… yeah, the SECOND time… just sayin’
Todays was too easy. I only took 1:11 minutes and I never do it in less than 5 minutes.
:31 I think because these were some of the same words as in the last word search
36 seconds! You can see where I spend my time.
1:43.I’m getting better at these
22 seconds. Wish they would use words (the first four) which included letters from the final word. That’s the way the puzzle is supposed to be.
I solved this puzzle. I have the most difficult time with the word jumble puzzles. I am building up my mental muscles and improving. Great puzzle. Enjoyed the challenge. Thank you, AMAC!
1:23 w/ 2 letter hints.
3:38 It takes me longer on my phone. Fun puzzle today. I’ve done lots of grocery shopping in my life, having raised 7 children who like to eat ???? lol.
3:03 No reveals or misses. I had a hard time with ‘pharmacy’.
42 seconds with no hints, no reveals, no incorrect letters or words. Frankly, I am impressed.
1:01 w/2 letter hints. unbelievable!
2:26 with two letter hints
:43! I “saw” them all immediately.
51 seconds, twice I typed faster than the computer could keep up.
1:46 Household took me a little while.
A record for me—1.21
53 seconds
Thank you for the Puzzle
Why are Pharmacy and Household in this puzzle? I know here are pharmacies in some supermarkets but that seems a stretch, considering the THOUSANDS of things we go to a supermarket to purchase. Anyway, I solved each word but then forgot to hit the check button and didn’t notice until 3:30 had been reached. Ooooops.
1:13 Easy puzzle!
I solved this puzzle yesterday (Thursday).
It took me awhile to get household and pharmacy. Not sure why these were included. 3:53 my time. Ouch.
1:55 my best. yet
33 seconds
:28 Fast on this, slow on everything else.
20 seconds flat, smashing my personal best!
42 seconds but easy. Why does this need an email address?