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Hint: The Sunsphere was the symbol of the 1982 World's ______
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3:33 Knoxville took me quite a while…???? I’m a little thick headed in the morning, I guess. LOL
.38, I am proud.
.33, Best ever, but I was there, so familiar with the City.
The second word “feet” was NOT jumbled, which threw me. I thought ALL the words were supposed to be jumbled.
Live in Knoxville so this one was ?easy…
42. no miss-types. better than my usual.
Is Tennessee a good state to live? I’m in CA. It’s getting weirder, more restrictive and expensive every flipping DAY! Gov Newsome (Nancy Pelosi’s nephew!) and most of our lawmakers are progressive commies…take$, take$, take$ (more like steal$) then give$ to illegal aliens and unmotivated, poorly edcucated citizens ! Sooo beautiful here and the weather is terrific… too bad our freedoms and constitutional rights are evaporating like cold water on hot pavement! Do not move here IF you are conservative. If you are progressive, anti-constitutioanlist looking for your utopia, come join your comrades!
32 seconds. No hints used. It helps that my daughter lives in TN.
17 seconds. I think that’s a personal best for me.
Just came home to Indiana from Tennessee yesterday. Never having ever in the life, that I know of, heard of the Sunsphere, it was definitely new to me. I got only 4 of the questions on the quiz right! But all of the puzzle. It took me 49 seconds, which I thought was pretty good, considering my lack of knowledge about this, but I guess I was a slow-poke compared to others. LOL
Good time for me. .28 seconds with no miss-types. This was fun.
I had to cheat on Knoxville. I grew up in the city of hard knocks.