Summer Solstice
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Hint: The summer solstice occurs in what month for the Northern Hemisphere?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
I enjoy the various puzzles.
3:05. would have had a much better time, but I misspelled one word because I hit a wrong key, so when I checked it gave me an incorrect which I had to go back and correct, all of which was time consuming.
4:21 – Could not figure out the last word so I took the hint. I would have never gotten that word without a hint. Love the puzzles.
2:11 but I had to use a hint for the last word
You finished the puzzle in 1:15
Fun!!! ?
5:06. I got stuck on the fourth word – enjoyable. I needed to ask for a hint for that word. On another subject; it’s warm (not summer hot) and nearly cloudless here in Northern Michigan. It feels like a late spring day – a comfortable 68 degrees.
1:04 and 2 letter hints. Enjoyable? That was not expected.
2:55 I think one of my best times!
The J was missing on the hint for “JUNE”
3:05 No hints, very good for me
:38 seconds but only after third attempt. On second attempt I used the reveal for enjoyable so not really my best.
0:43. Best one ever for me! No misses, no hints.
2:04 w/2 letter hints
35 seconds
I don’t see what “enjoyable” has to do with the summer solstice. Some of us hate the heat and like the cold.