Summer Olympic History
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Hint: This fast-paced Olympic sport that is played on a table with small paddles and a lightweight ball.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Why not roller derby? Everything else is an event.
2:13 with 5 letter hints. Haven’t watched a second of them this year.
:31 – personal best!
Ping pong…
2:30, today. I spent way too much time trying to think of a word starting with a “Q” for the 4th word, but finally realized it was the second letter. But I’m always satisfied when I get all the words without having to do a reveal, no matter how long it takes.
0.59 Fastest ever for me in the Word Jumble!
2:20 with two hints. For someone who doesn’t watch the Olympics, not too bad.
2:51 I had no idea how to spell equestrian, used 5 hints, then did a word reveal. The other words no problem at all.
Only 2 hints!!
1:29 Not bad.
2:29 I’m really slow today!