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Hint: What is the name of Seattle's Major League Baseball team?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
That was one of the easier ones. I guess being from Washington makes some words more discernable.
4:09*I’m not good at the jumble at all.
3:15 had trouble with Microsoft…duh!
2:47. I lived there for over a decade but still found some words hard. The first one and the baseball team were the easiest.
4:22. I received a “garbage/akarobocall” in the middle of working this puzzle. I admit; I wasn’t doing too well before the phone rang! Have a great day!!
2:30. Considering I live here I expected to do better. Not the same beautiful city it used to be. Out of control crime, homeless encampments everywhere, boarded up stores….So sad.
5:54 with 6 letter reveals. I am no good at this game. I like to never got Microsoft. Duh.
1:21 with 4 reveals.
4:11 – had to use 3 letter hints to finally get microsoft!
Microsoft was in the word find and I still had trouble with it!
Once again there’s one of the puzzle words that has no letters for the answer. That’s not how Jumbles are supposed to work.
I had to reveal the word ‘microsoft’. I never would have gotten it. Got the rest of them ok.
I don’t even try to do these puzzles. My students would ask me, “Is the test multiple choice?” I would always tell them, “Yes, there are 600,000 words in the English Language, pick one and write it down, when you have written enough words to answer each question, you are finished. By the way, WATCH OUT FOR YOUR SPELLING.” It made them GREAT orators, and writers. I wish I had a few teachers like me.
1:47 with 1 letter reveal. Not bad!
2:46. Not my best, but certainly not my worst either. Don’t have the same “connection” to it as some of you have, but have always thought of that part of the country as “God’s country”.
1:51 with lots of hints on Microsoft. Oh, well
This was a challenge, but fun. Thank you
5:07 Very challenging.
2:33 w/no errors or assist (lived there for 2 years and it helped)
59 seconds with no hints or missed words.
Much better than my usual time for the word scramble.
1:53…not so good.