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Hint: a large freshwater lake in the Scottish Highlands, best known for claimed sightings of the monster affectionately known as Nessie.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
33 seconds – huh!
1:04 no misses or reveals — one of my better times
50 seconds It’s a chilly, rainy in Georgia, as Brook Benton would sing.
Not good. First noticed the ad for Korea and thought that was the puzzle. Used a lot of hints for the first one. Thought, what does Scots have to do with Korea – – UGH!
53 seconds…no helps
2:19 Couldn’t spell Gaelic at first.
1:00 flat
2:43..Easier than it looked.Cloudy here today.May the sun be shining on you and have a blessed day
So easy. 1.08
34 seconds. No hints or reveals. A record for me. Anything to do with being a Campbell?
1:49 with no hints. Very good for me.
2:41 with eight letter hints. Nothing came to mind except the first one and the final answer.
1:12 with 2 letter helps on tartan.
SEE YOUR RESULTS and the finished puzzled is frozen-blurred, so I cannot see my score. Hmmmm. My guess-over 2 mins?
1:36 Didn’t see “highlands” right away.
1:01…spelled Gaelic wrong at first.
Woohoo–18 seconds.