San Francisco
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Hint: The Golden Gate Bridge spans over the Golden Gate which is what type of body of water?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
4:40, with help.
2:41 with one letter reveal – much easier than the spot the difference!
Sad day when HOMELESS is a major attribute of a great American City.
1:18 with 1 letter hint for ‘homeless’. I never would have guessed that word would be in this puzzle.
2:32; 1 hint (second word – tourism).
3:48 with a few hints. I, too, never would have thought ‘homeless’ would be there.
okay. 2:18 but eight letter reveals.
I worked in San Francisco, off and on, for 15 years. I relocated to Arizona 20 years ago. The homeless situation was getting bad back then. I haven’t been back in over 10 years, but from what I understand, it is much worse now. Poorly run state, and city.
I am guessing the Chamber of Commerce did not suggest the words.
2:35 with a few initial letter reveals. Pretty good on my phone. It’s always harder on the smaller screen. I’ve never been to San Francisco, likely never will.
I agree with the “homeless “ comments.
38 seconds!! No clues or help!
I got slowed down because “communism” kept running through my mind…
Again, AMAC – why are we subjected to games about the worst city in the country?!!!
3:19 Lucky guesses!
5:16 with 6 letter reveals. I had real trouble trying to unscramble these. Homeless really threw me, never expecting it to be used to describe the puzzle.
I finally got homeless
Well, maybe I am the only one…. but, on the last one mine was marked wrong. I put ARTIST. The answer was STRAIT. Well, S.F. is known for its ART folks too.
2:00 today, one of my better ones.
2:36 w/4 letter hints. Hardest word for me, oddly, was Tourism. But then I’ve never been any further west than western West Virginia or mid-Kentucky. So what would I know.
1:53 = best ever.
5:37. no hints, Alcatraz and homeless were the easy words for me. lol
2:52 no hints
Homeless took a long time
Didn’t think that was an attraction
Who new ?
Wow. I’m from the bay area in my youth and the ONLY one I got was alcatraz…. That hasn’t ever happened to me before!!! I must be preoccupied!