Salute To Veterans
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Hint: This rank signifies a junior officer, often tasked with leading small units or teams, and comes right before Captain in many militaries.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Got all the words in short order, just couldn’t spell worth a darn.
Knew them all but had a hard time spelling two of them
4:56 if only I could spell!
4th day that the results are blurred out on on puzzles!
I called customer service but it didn’t seem to remedy the situation!
A buddy of mine (Lt. USN) told me that on the final exam in OCS proposed an IMPOSSIBLE problem. The correct answer was, “Give the assignment to the Chief Petty Officer, and check on the finished product in about 5 minutes.” My dad was a CPO ENC and often told me of when very high ranking officers would ask him, “How’d you do that?” and, “Would you please write a step by step process for it?” Once they marveled as how quickly he got everything to shut off in the engine room when the ‘all silent’ order was given. Pretty darn important when a PBY was hunting submarines in the area, and cut off the ability of the Germans to find you using what sonar they had at the time. His instructions were used throughout the Atlantic Fleet and saved countless ships, sailors and cargo loads in those HUGE ships (LST) in those HUGE convoys. I won’t brag about the time dad put the Admiral of the Atlantic fleet in the Chesapeake Bay, other than it was right before the family was sent on GITMO duty for a year.
1:37 no reveals. I think , in addition to the numerus officers that served, more enlisted personnel should be honored also. God bless the USA and all veterans and those currently serving. Thank you for your service.
Blurred results for about a week now, but I guess if you weren’t in the Army you don’t count as a vet, at least for this puzzle. Go Navy!
3:36….had to do a reveal on #4???and still never heard of it….but best score so far!!!! hahahaha
There was a J in the letters to spell last word “lieutinant” and I’m not sure that is the correct spelling of lieutinant??? My spell check highlights AMAC spelling
1:30, no errors. Finally one I could do fairly quickly. Had to back up on 1st 4 letters of lieutenant and get the ‘e’ in right place before I checked. It didn’t look right so redid it; thank goodness.
41 seconds. “Did my bit” (and paid attention) during my time in the service.
First word continually shuffles and won’t let me type an answer
so I didn’t know how to spell adjutant. Spelled the rest of them 3 letter hints. Enjoyable week!
0:48, my fastest time ever on these. After the first two, I was anticipating the answers, and fortunately, I knew how to spell all of them.
Got all of them but adjutant stumped me. I used 4 letter hints on it. Thank you all for your service.
Like some of the others, I knew the answers right away, but had to respell some of them until I got them correct. Not bad for being an Air Force wife for 19 years. One I never heard of, the other was from the Army or the Marines, but I got them! 🙂
2:29 no help
I just talked to a customer service rep at AMAC and she said the blurry results to puzzles, etc., is an ongoing problem and the IT people were working on fixing it. She also said that to wait a day or two and the problem should be repaired.
57 seconds. Pretty easy one today.
38 sec. Hooah.
When I complete the puzzle the results are blurred out.
56 seconds. Not bad for me. God bless all our vets.