Salem Witch Trials
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Hint: Among other accusations, people accused of being witches were accused of talking to what?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
2:28 No hints
2:32 2 letter hints needed.
2:07 I didn’t see the extra box for the first word. There’s so much more American History to focus on than this small bit of negativity from 400 years ago. I didn’t like this puzzle much.
I see Sherri’s point, but if we begin ignoring parts of our history we don’t like, we end up in the dangerous position our youth today find themselves in which is erasing history that could teach us a lesson. And it is coming up on ? Halloween.
1:19. This one came easy this morning.
This puzzle page was malfunctioning for me; including wrong letters and refusal to type in what I was trying to write
This one was tough for me. The only word I got without hints was Massachusetts and I had to look up how to spell that one! This was NOT a topic that my history teacher spent much time on. So much history has happened in our country now that to study everything would take more than a couple classes in school. Good bringing these subjects up in these puzzles.
I don’t care for the word jumble puzzles here. Too many problems with them, like missing letters, etc. It’s frustrating.
This was a tough one. I had to use six letter reveals. Word scramble usually is my hardest one.
6:40. This was a hard one for me. I got Mass, but didn’t know how to spell it, so had to do a couple of hints. I had to use hints for the other words. I did know the last one, though. Yikes.
Got stuck on “hysteria” which is something I see play out all the time on the news every day!
Not as bad as quiz, but took 4 letter hints.
2:20 If you take this test last, you have a better chance of doing well. All the info is in the word search or quiz. Daisy
2:19 but I had to have two first letter hints.