Route 66
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Hint: In what city does Route 66 begin?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:49…1 letter reveal… ?
1:44….no reveals.
2:43. I got stuck on the second word (historic) and needed to ask for a hint. I did the remaining words in less than a minute.
Lucid today. 37 seconds.
:37 on this one! Morning coffee must have been stronger!
3:25…got stuck on historic until I looked at the picture in the background!
2.28 but I’m from south side of Chicago
1.21 First mixed up word puzzle i did without help and got it right the first time. YAY
wow… i was gifted the answers. 26 seconds
1:04 Best time ever!
Hmm…I consider this to be the worst of the puzzle categories for me, and yet I finished this one in 58 seconds with no hints or reveals; my best time on any puzzle I think. Go figure.
1:22 got hung up a little on the word historic, then looked at the sign lol
32 sec. I found this way easy.
:50, my best time yet. Would have finished sooner but mistyped Chicago as Chocago. Easiest puzzle yet for me.
Stuck on historic
easiest ever 37 sec
48 seconds
1:19 I, too, got stuck on historic.
1:58 One of my better times.
18 seconds.
46 seconds no hints
1:09 with no help – not bad for never traveling Rt.66…
My wife did this in 39 seconds. I couldn’t type fast enough! 75
4:18…not as brainy as everyone else, but got it with no reveals!!