Teddy Roosevelt
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Hint: President Roosevelt was a big proponent of
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
2:37 but I needed 1 or 2 or even 3 letter hints for every one. I don’t know much about Teddy Roosevelt other than my childhood “Teddy” bear was named after him.
5:19, but I didn’t need any hints. I just checked the puzzle at the end.
This has been the hardest puzzle since there are way to many letters for some of these. I had to use hints to complete this one!
This is not the way Jumbles are supposed to work. There are supposed to be circled letters in the first four scrambled words that make up the final answer to the hint. There shouldn’t be circled letters in the final answer.
This was a hard one for me. I used a hint for the 1st letter in each word, then worked out the answer with no more hints. 6:56.
Even with correct answer at end, did it twice because there were letters not used or left over. Same on 2nd spelling it out.
5:38 and had a hint for the first letter of every word! That was a hard one for me!!
Good Lord! It took me 13:09, but I only used hints on the last word.
0:34 after not doing this one for maybe a week. But I already knew the words but had to mildly figure them out.
Never been too good at figuring jumbled words out.