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Hint: Rome is the third most populous city in the _________ Union
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:49 Pretty good for me.
Not fast by any means…spelled them all correctly! 3:47
3:00. I had trouble with the 2nd and 3rd words and had to ask for hints (first letter). I would love to visit Rome some day.
36 seconds with no reveals. With the word jumbles, my spelling has improved.
5 minutes. Had trouble spelling Renaissance, of course. Even typing this I let the phone “predict” it. Lol. Retired teacher’s brain.
game was not working correctly
2:55 No misses. Had to double-check spelling before hitting submit.
1:35 Good one for me. Love visiting Rome….and Italy.
:36 seconds. u gotta be kidding me. I couldn’t type the words that fast if they were printed in front of me. That’s another league I’m not in!!
4:29 Have always had trouble spelling Renaissance. Also took me awhile to figure out Pantheon.
Renaissance didn’t occur to me as I associate it with a larger scale movement than just Rome, but this was a good puzzle about one of my favorite cities to visit.
1:32 with no hints, reveals, or incorrect words. Not bad for this game.
58 seconds is a first for me. Love the jumbles!!!
2:31. I can’t believe they used renaissance again. And for some reason, I couldn’t figure it as easily as I did in the French one.
1:57 – pretty good for me!
I can get the words (usually); it’s the spelling that gets me.
1:46. That game was clearer than a Joe Biden sentence.????
:56 but spelled Renaissance wrong so 1:01 with correction
Had to use to reveal letters. Sheesh.