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Hint: Recycling is an alternative to "conventional" waste disposal that can save material and help lower greenhouse gas ____________.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
43 seconds! First time ever under a minute!
1:47 Not too bad for my fumble-fingers this morning!
less than a minute but I couldn’t spell environment correctly so 1:47
:54 Initially had SWEAT instead of WASTE and wasted time changing the word.
2:28 Looks like I’m the slow poke this morning. It always takes longer when I solve a puzzle on my phone.
2:26.. Little slow this morning . Still recovering from yesterday’s
Kind of weird to have a puzzle letter in the answer word.
2:13 – if only my typing and the boxes were in sync!
Great puzzle. I solved it. Yay! Love,the effort that AMAC uses to develop these puzzles.
2:01 Not too bad.
2:30 – that was a good one…took awhile
:32 plastics got me, but I got it.
An easy puzzle with no hints, misses, reveals. My best time ever, 59 seconds.
1:14 Easy one today.
2:22. Couldn’t spell environment.
Must have been too easy —:42 seconds
1:41 pretty quick and easy. have been recycling for many years and generations.
2:35. I had trouble with environment. Took awhile to get that word.
MY word jumble puzzle was all messed up. Plastics (s) was misspelled as it had two letters “s”. The last word had a “c” and a “t” in the clue…but the word emissions has neither. So, it was frustrating to say the least!