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Hint: What is the color most commonly associated with pumpkins?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:12 fastest time on the Jumble for me
39 seconds. Not bad for this old brain.
4:17. I had all kinds of trouble with the 3rd word – roasted. The rest of the words I got in less than a minute.
2:10 not too bad.
1:40! I think this is my best time on one of these. These Word Jumbos are usually the hardest for me. I love pumpkin, fall and orange is my favorite color so this one was right up my alley!
44 seconds is a record for me for sure
1:02 Roasted had me stumped for a while. I’m use to baked, smoked or fried turkey.
1:04 that is better than normal with 2 hints!
3:46. I had trouble with “roasted”. I got all the rest quickly.
3:24….had to have 2 hints on the word Roasted!!! Darn.
I too, had trouble with roasted.
1:25. Probably my best. It helps to do the word search. This time all of these words were from the word search.
3:49 Like everyone else I got stuck with roasted.
1:37 Found this jumble pretty easy. Love the colors of autumn. Thanks for the puzzles!!
1:29 Best time ever…one letter hint.
1:26 – For me that is a great time as i do my worst on the jumbles
1:10. A good time for me. Word Jumbles are usually the hardest of the puzzles for me. I either get them right away…or don’t get them at all.
But still, the puzzles are fun and I look forward to them each week!
2:34, which is about par, for me. Actually, most of my time is spent on typing in the words, rather than figuring out what they are.
Couldn’t figure out roasted. Had to ask for help
These are usually the hardest for me to solve. Did this one in 1:38 — fastest time yet.
8:19 — No help, but even when I think I’ve done pretty good, I can’t come close to ya’ll.
You finished the puzzle in 2:07
3:06 – had to use letter hints for roasted.
89 seconds. Roasted took me a minute.
2:33 My fastest time ever! Ha ha ha ha ha. i also had trouble with roasted but after getting the other really easy (this time) words, I took the 3 letters from the final answer and inserted them in the circles. Helped a lot!
1:13 wow. That’s Good for me. I must love this season!
3:17 with 4 hints. Never had “roasted” pumpkin.
1:11 for me
1;53 Roasted took the longest for me. Finally had to use a hint/ show a letter.