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Hint: The highest singing voice for females is________.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:14 Not bad for somebody who doesn’t know much about opera.
Wow!! Initially I thought I’d not solve this one but did so in 3:23 with no hints. Only problem is touching wrong parts of the screen at times, thus undoing words I already solved. Guess my years in music during school left me with more knowledge than I realized.
17:42 oops, forgot to pause when phone rang. Needed a couple of hints. Onto the next challenge for today.
4:05 Lots of hints needed, letters and even a whole word, and still failed. Finally clicked “Give me the answer.” I know nothing about opera except what’s in “Phanton of the Opera” which I watched once with my daughter years ago. I hope next weeks puzzle theme is more familiar. Have a good day, everyone.
3:13 with 4 letter hints…
2:13 but needed a few hints. But that means I learned something 🙂
Oops! Fourth puzzle word had no letters for the answer. Would have been easy to fix. Sigh!
:24 Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
2:33 w/10 hints. Thought it took longer.
First time for me to finish a Word Jumble without help! And I did it in 4+ minutes. So you can teach an old dog new tricks. Can’t wait to see if I can ace the opera quiz tomorrow morning.
Challenging! Thank you.
1:28 no reveals
54 seconds. I have to admit–I worked on it this morning and messed up royally!! I decided to try it this evening and set a personal speed record – for me!!
I had to have help with LIBERETTO, but the rest were easy. Thanks!
This was difficult for me. I hate opera. I have no idea what libretto is.Like I said, not a fan.
Took me 6:45 with 6 hints for libretto.
Glad this week is over. I hate opera. I know I’m just a redneck, but I truly don’t care anything about opera!
I finished in 11 seconds and I only needed one “Reveal Puzzle”!!
1:08 Great time for me! No hints.
0.50 no reveals, but I love opera, and the words just jumped out at me, which is not always the case.