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Hint: The creation of the Olympics is inspired by the ancient Olympic Games from the 8th century BC to 4th century AD. These games were held in Olympia, which is located where?
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Check Attempts:
6 min. & 41 sec. Sally Geary
1:34; and I hate the Olympics.
1:07 Guess I knew more than I thought. I never watch summer olympics, especially this year!
1:06. I’m not usually that good at this one, but good luck today. Too bad the Olympics are such a bust this time.
55 seconds, one of my best times. Used to support US team with $, but no more.
1:16 Not too bad
1:33 with one letter reveal for ‘competition’
Spelling oh my.
2:02 Not too bad
1:23 no hints or reveals!
5.41….I’m just not that good with this one anymore.
3:45. I stumbled (no pun intended!) on the first word – ATHLETES. The others came to me pretty quickly.
1:54 with a few first letter hints. Not bad. Fun. I love word puzzles.
1:22…easy for me today
0:38 no reveals/hints. A best for me
2:28 with a few 1st letter hints. The Olympics aren’t what they used to be. Disappointing.
thank you!
2:49 – one letter hint…not as easy as expected…not happy with olympic coverage even though I do understand the time difference… think we could do without some of the events added in the past few years, especially those are pure professional participants…was better when amateur only!! IMO
1:35 with no reveals. I love to watch these competitions. That and really enjoy the puzzles on AMAC.
1:19 w/ 4 letter hints.
2:32 with two letter hints to finally realize the word was torch.
Not watching olympics. Games have turned into a political farce.
Discipline, Determination, Sponsors, body structure, great coach—all play part in winning. Congratulation to those who win and those who participated.
Once again got the word right and the spelling wrong.
0:57…had to use one letter reveal.
46 seconds! Never have finished in less than 3 minutes. Wow!
51 seconds, Fastest time ever.
49 seconds