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Hint: A species of fish that is native to New Zealand and particularly significant to the country's fishing industry.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
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looks like the menu at the Auckland Red Lobster…
3;02 – way too many hints – I was looking for the strange words & never thought of looking for something common. So I took help on the fish – but got the birds & my ‘e’ & ‘u’ got in the wrong place so I had to redo that one.
i was thinking Alaska with out Salmon ?? Lost
Ah, I’d hoped AMAC would have made it specific to the NZ land mass. Still fun Had a chance to visit Hobbitton and Middle Earth movie locations. If you visit, you should take time to see these spots; both fun. ME was spectacular, you could envision why Peter Jackson choose it as the site!
1:53!! That’s because I didn’t waste any time getting letter hints, I just used word hints (6 of them.) I forgot to move the highlight, so I revealed one of the words twice. If I hadn’t done the word search, just before I did this, I might have figured some of them out, but they looked similar to all those unknown words in the search, I assumed they were the same.
1:10 surprisingly…
2:06 with one hint. I’m OK with that 🙂