New Zealand
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Hint: New Zealand is about 1,200 miles across what Sea from Australia?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
3:30. Had a hard time with Wellington
3:16. I had some problems with a couple of the long names.
I find the word puzzles the hardest. It took me awhile but I completed it. Happy with my accomplishment.
2:06 with 10 letter reveals. Wellington and Tasman I had no idea about. New Zealand history and geography are not taught much in the schools I attended and in the 5th grade classes I taught for years.
3.44 but I used my globe
These are always the hardest puzzles for me. Wellington and Tasman stumped me. I knew someone from New Zealand and since the LOTR movies were filmed there I have always wanted to visit. On the bucket list!
1 minute flat. I must have slept extra-well last night ?
2:03 and no reveals. I knew the Tasman answer and placed my missing T to come up with Wellington. Beautiful area. Took a train through the mountains from Christchurch to Greymouth and had a one-way rental car waiting to drive to Queenstown. The opposite side of the road was hard to get used to, but it was isolated mountains so not many cars.
3:21 not too bad… I agree that these puzzles are sometimes the most difficult! 🙂
2:46 with 4 letter hints on 2 words. The last one didn’t show the letter T as part of the puzzle jumble. Glad I got that hint.
1:49 Best time ever!
2:16 YAY!!
51, don’t know why. Words just jumped out at me.
2:04 good time for me with no hints. Look forward to these games weekly.
iPhone typos keep slowing me down
One minute flat! Easy.
44 seconds. It helped that I took a cruise around New Zealand a few years ago (got sick crossing the Tasman Sea in a storm).
43 seconds on my second round. First round I missed Wellington despite having done the quiz ahead of this one.
8:32, then .47.. Not too bad for “newbies”. Wait till we’ve done it a few times!
It’s easier if you do the word search first. Too long even if I’m 90!