Nativity Scene
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Hint: Another Name for the Three Wise Men
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:14…. I don’t want to be a stickler, but I’m going to be. I know the tradition says that the Magi came to the manger to give Jesus the gifts. The truth is that they came when Jesus was two years old and no longer in the manger. I’m trying not to be a bummer but biblical.
Where is the “I”?
I don’t want to be a stickler either…we don’t know how many Magi came…there were 3 gifts but there could have been a doze…we don’t know. Matthew 2:11 says they came to the “house” where Mary, Joseph and Jesus was staying.
None of the 4 words that provide the letters to complete the last phrase contained an “i”…the last letter in Magi.
This is a wonderful puzzle. This word jumble puzzle I was able to solve quickly. Thanks AMAC for a puzzle that focuses on Christmas and the birth of Jesus.
1:33 Forgot how to spell myrrh
AMAC- good puzzle twister for today, thank you for teaching me how to spell Myrrh (the somethings Y rule is definitely at work on this one!)
2:06 – no misses, no reveals…..Another I don’t want to be a stickler: the Magi came to a house in Bethlehem, because the children 2 & under were to be killed in Bethlehem (if they were in another village there would be no need to kill the children in Bethlehem), and Jesus, Mary, & Jesus left Bethlehem for Egypt after being warned by the angel.
2:31 Where’s the “I” for MAGI?
The wise men could have learned about the birth while Mary was still pregnant.
God sent an angel to warn Joseph, obviously about Herod’s order to kill the kids under two. So Joseph moved his wife and child to Egypt, because Jesus child was under two years old.
Timing is everything, but so is God.
41 seconds
I don’t like being a stickler either, but these puzzles always have so many glitches. Today, I did it quickly because it was easy, but it said I made an error. So I asked for the answer, which was exactly what I had typed!!! And there is always quite a delay between typing a letter and it showing up. If I type the following letter before the first one shows up, it goes in the wrong square. I almost don’t want to do these puzzles because of the frustration. And it’s not due to my computer as I have in-house IT help, my sons, who can’t stand slow computers. But they can’t improve the internet!
It kept telling me it was wrong when in reality I had it right every time. Angel
Fastest time for me ever! 52 seconds
This is a great idea and fun!
Cute idea! I like it.
There was no “I” for word magi, that threw me off.
3:52 with 4 letter hints. Had a terrible time trying to spell myrrh. I agree with Patty L.
5:01 There is no “i” in any of the words in the puzzle
i like the nativity sets with 3 wise men because I don’t have room for any more on my mantle!
1:48 Took a few seconds to figure out myrrh.
.56 I usually don’t do these ’cause I’m not very good at it but I thought I’d try because of the source material
2:44 I enjoyed it so much I took my time.
I didn’t use any reveals or hints . . . But did drop down and read your comments in order to complete the puzzle. Thank you very much!
33 seconds for me. Best score and one of my favorite subjects. Blessings to all for 2024!
I asked a deacon in a church I once attended why they put the three wise men at the nativity scene they displayed when the Wise Men were not really there at the birth of Jesus? He replied, “They came with the set”. Terrible.
1:26, no hints or reveals; no check attempts.
36 seconds.