Music of the 1960s
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Hint: The Fab Four from Liverpool who took the world by storm and defined the soundtrack of the '60s.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Believe it or not, I got stuck on “soul”. I know. And could not spell “reggae” either. A bust for me.
52 seconds and I had to go back and spell reggae right.
Probably the easiest one ever…now if my fingers could spell i would have been under a minute.
32 seconds. Easy peasey.
Used 1 reveal but I wasn’t really into popular music in the 60s I was making my own learning piano and violin.
Piece of cake. At my recent stent insertion they were playing Motown music until they started the procedure. Sam and Dave were great.
Pretty proud of my 28 seconds.
2:19 Even though this does not look as good as others I normally cannot finish. These are the hardest for me but I was able to complete it with no mistakes.
1:29! Loved the sixties
1:01 Just can’t crack the one minute mark!
25 seconds ☺ If it mattered, I would be so proud of myself…lol
48 seconds
44 seconds
1:18, no hints. Everything was easy, except the 4th word. Had to figure that out.
What happened to all the comments?
:57 This was an easy one, No reveals
3:37 one letter reveal
Loved this easy one! 1:22
1:26 with 3 letter hints.
2 problems-not showing my time, and for the Beatles, the A wasn’t in the scramble choice. I knew it was the Beatles and it excepted it. Oh well.
28 seconds
22 seconds. Best ever for me.
45 seconds – fastest time for me too!
1:51 – fastest time for me. Since I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and my dad worked on radio for a lot of that time, music was always on at our house. Grew up listening to Motown on CKLW! These puzzles this week brought back lots of memories!
34 sec. Easy.
Would have been done in under a minute had I known how to spell reggae. Had to look it up after 4 tries. I knew all the answers quickly.
:27 Why do I think it was too easy?!?
0:48 I’ll take it!
31 seconds
wow…47 sec….a record for me on this game for sure…hahahaha