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Hint: The museum that receives the most annual visitors is the Louvre, which is located in what city?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
42 seconds! I think that is my best ever.
44 seconds. My best too
Let’s just say I did it ,Not my best but no reveals
1:23…1letter reveal….
Sometimes yinz comments make me sick.
1:10 pretty good for me from my iPad. Can’t make my fingers go much faster
1:58 Not bad for slow me.
5:29. I really messed up this puzzle (my favorite of the week). I couldn’t figure out “Smithsonian” and had to ask for a hint for the entire word – something I never had to do before! When I lived in Detroit I worked the Word Jumble in the Detroit Free Press with no problems.
32 sec. Best ever. But I don’t type in the answers, just do them in my head, then check. Typing would take me an extra 10 mins.
Good place to enjoy air conditioning on a hot Texas day- Kimball Art Museum is free, except for special exhibits. My sister loved it, walking up to Picasso’s or Rembrandt’s. She was thrilled they had a Henry Moore sculpture in the courtyard. Enjoy and enrich yourselves!
Another great puzzle!
2:33 – the first one took me a bit but then the rest just fell into place. Thanks to Amac for having these puzzles, they are the highlight of my day and help keep my brain working 🙂
3:23 with two letter reveals (actually one) to figure out Smithsonian. I already used an S as the last letter and so counted as my first reveal. Embarrassing I couldn’t figure out Smithsonian without a hint.
32 seconds, no misses. Easy peazey.
1:13 that’s really good for me. Surprised myself.
You all amaze me…for some reason, I just had such a hard time with this one. 4:05 was my time with one missed word, corrected with no hints or reveals.
1:39 I got lucky!
74 seconds