Mother’s Day
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: A feeling of thankfulness and appreciation, especially towards someone who has done something kind for you.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
What are NUTURING and STREGNTH? I was trying to make that word as NURTURING, but there weren’t enough letters. Did Kamala Harris design this puzzle?
I have to admit that Word Scramble is the hardest puzzle for me to conquer. I almost always have to have a reveal on the first letter. My brain just doesn’t work that way! I am a mother and today I had to use lots of reveals! Lol It’s not AMAC’s fault!
The jumble is a real jumble today. Good luck all.
3:01 Amac needs an editor.
For some reason, nuturing makes me uncomfortable
What the heck is “nuturing” ? Do you mean nurturing?
Strength spelled incorrectly…
Whoever made up this puzzle needs to take a spelling course. But then, when you see all the typos and wrong words on TV station news banners, why would we be surprised…our local channel 12 has a moron doing the graphics…
I think someone needs to check the spelling. Nurturing and strength are spelled wrong.
Nuturing? Stregnth? Who’s the wizard putting this puzzle up?
Words nurturing and strength were fixed when I did this. I did, however, use a lot of first letter hints.
This one made more sense than others I have done.
Word Scrabble puzzles are the most difficult for me. I needed to reveal several letters. Great Puzzle.
Man! You blew it today!! Did you miss April Fool’s Day?
I had ‘strength’ right and they still said it was wrong.
2:05 with one bogus check
Spelling errors in 2 words…nurturing and strength.
3:46 with lots of letter reveals.
Why are people asking what “nuturing” is? I found the word NURTURING. Was the puzzle fixed of an error?
Last week, the last word with the clue that hasn’t had the correct amount of letters for the amount of spaces for a very long time, finally had the right amount of letters. I was so happy and thought the issue was fixed. Today, I was missing a letter again. At least, it was only one letter missing today. Thankfully, it only happens on the word with the hint, so that helps in guessing sometimes.
13:14!!!!! Just couldn’t figure #4, but I was determined to get it. Finally, after resorting to a couple of letter hints, I did, but then, as often is the case, I forgot to click on “check puzzle,” in order to stop the clock. Probably 10 minutes of that time was staring blankly at the screen. Still, happy that I didn’t have to reveal the whole word (#4). By the way, the clue gave me the G, even though none of the 5 was circled.
they must have corrected strength and nurturing by the time I did this puzzle because they were spelled correctly!!! I completed this in 2:12 with no help. and as I right this ( or shall I say write this) I am being extremely careful not to mis-spell anything.
One of the Gs should be circled.
with 4 kids the first word should be racing!
Wow, I’ve been a fail at jumbles lately; I’ve laughed at the comments and said ‘yep!’ The must have a new jumble puzzle creator as these words don’t come to mind for Mother’s Day- they should but my brain was in a different place today! Strength, gratitude, nurturing, love, joy, comfort…not enough to describe the love I feel towards mothers everywhere! A good quote I’ve enjoyed a mother can handle things that would bring most executives to their knees (at that time a very much male dominated field). This helped me remember, I was handling a lot- full time work and being a mother!
Hint: the first word is not RACING. LOL!
2:54, 5 letter hints