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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: When you pay money into an account at a financial institution for them to hold for you it is called what?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
2:02***No help ,I keep getting a little better .
1:23 w/5 word hints
2:38 – i keep getting slower 🙁 but still enjoy these!
:58 no hints
1:06. Good one
1:14 Pretty easy this time.
3:58 Had to use 3 letter reveals to get ‘inflation’. I should have got that one easily.
39 seconds. I guess I know my money.
Good one!
2:59 with 6 letter reveals. I’m slow but I still enjoy doing these.
there was no s offered for the word deposit.
Only three letters offered for “deposit”, but I got it. 1:57 with no hints or reveals, and only the one check attempt.
3:42. I got stuck on the second word – INFLATION – and had to ask for a clue for the entire word!
2:00 Did better than I usually do.
1:42 with one reveal. Not too bad for an old, fat lady 🙂
33 seconds!
39 seconds! Best ever! It helps to do the word search – 3 of the words were from that.
2:36 with two misses because I misspelled inflation which I had to use a reveal fir the first letter.
0:42. Thanks for telling me “inflation” was the second word in the comment section. 😀
26 seconds
50 seconds – good morning to everyone
:44 Good one for me!