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Hint: The first name of the King of Rock and Roll who was born in Tupelo, Mississippi.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Had a tough time with Greenville, but oh well. I stuck it out until I got it. Elvis was easy enough on the final. Longer than everybody so far. 2:49 LOL
Easy quiz for someone who is lived in Mississippi all her life.
Took me 1:39; I got ELVIS before I finished the puzzle. I was having trouble with Greenville, but knowing Elvis, I put the V in the right place, which led to “ville”, which only left “green”.
1:25 Great for me!
Had a hard time with Greenville, then I figured out that it was the state, not the river.
2:57 Got the first two with no problems. The last two, not so fast. Looks like I took the prize for the longest time to solve ! At least I’m good at something. LOL
0:53 with on hint
34 seconds. Easiest word jumble ever. And I’ve nener set foot in Mississippi.
:31. Yahoo.
37 seconds. Not bad for my adopted state!
1:01 – with a little extra time on Greenville.
1:28 probably my best time on this puzzle. It would be easier if I didn’t have to hit each square individually on my tablet.
35 seconds
I can’t type that fast. It took me over a minute to type the answers.
1:01 Thank you; Thank you very much.
The first word kept scrambling on its own and wouldn’t let me input letters
1:18 with 3 letter hints on 2 words.
2:37 w/4 letter hints. I only knew 2 right off & needed 1st letter hints to get started . . .
1:01 w/one letter hint
41 seconds. Not bad
0:54! I’ll take it!
Two minutes flat. Is that good? lol
20 seconds will no hints.
29 seconds. Piece of pecan pie.
33 seconds, but I live here