Memorial Day
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
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Check Attempts:
Hint: America is the land of the free and home __ ___ _____!
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
3:03 Word Jumble is soooo hard for me! Takes me forever, but no reveals.
1:46 Got stumped on heroism. Happy Memorial Day. God Bless America!
First time ever I got them all right but forget the time!
1:32 with one letter reveal
0:53 My fastest for the Jumble.
3:48 and I thought I did well, you guys are way better at this than me.
2:44 Happy Memorial Day!
7:10 and six letters, wow you guys are real patriots
56 seconds for the last four. Needed 2 letter hints for the first one, so my final time was 3:19.
I wonder how many students in college would ace this puzzle?
Especially the last one – “LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE!
2:53 because I must have typed the last one to fast.
1:24 and remember we are free because of the brave
51 seconds!
1:50 – no help.
Let freedom ring!
1:34 with one letter reveal.
:58 and would have been faster if I hadn’t got a few answers messed and had to retype them correctly!
1:25 fastest ever I think ????