May Flowers
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Hint: Plants and flowers that live for more than two years. Unlike annuals, which complete their life cycle within a single growing season.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
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Nectary? Hooda thunk it?
I know what petals and perennials are but I don’t know what those other words mean! Good luck everyone!
nectary? is that like nunnery? stamen would have been appropriate
Gotta tell you the truth here. I’m 72 and NEVER heard of ‘nectary’. Went to school, too.
A challenge yes but after seeing petal & pistil I focused on flower parts and finished the Jumble, but the long word was EASY.
4:23. I was expecting flower names, but was able to finish with only 2 (word) reveals. I didn’t know the anther, I mean answer to #2, nor to #4.
I thought the same thoughts on everything!!!
This was SUPER hard
why was there a “t” in the perennials clue?
First word was a toss, thinking art i was thinking pastel but i put petals, rest was a breeze!
This was embarasing for me.
I lost count of all the hints I used. Not a flower girl, I guess.
The hint on the last word is plural in several places but the answer is singular???