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Hint: A longtime New England summer colony, it encompasses harbor towns and lighthouses, sandy beaches and farmland. It's accessible only by boat or air.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
wow! One of my best times ever! .55 seconds…and only had to use 3 word reveals!!! 🙂 I know NOTHING about the East Coast…there was no point in racking my brain to try and figure it out!!! Have a wonderful Friday Eve. ever
I went to M.I.T. I parked, walked around and went to that bodacious museum.
2:39..Not my best, not my worse. I was wondering when they were going to have something reminding us of the Kennedys. That’s the first word that comes to mind when I think of Massachusetts. Have a blessed day everyone.
57 seconds!! And, no reveals! Wow, didn’t think I knew much about Massachusetts. Apparently, I knew just enough.
47 seconds and only 5 reveals! I know nothing about Mass.
1:56 A respectable time…I guess.
1:36 I’m surprised hypocrites wasn’t used. As in “…all for illegals crossing the border-but not here”. Ha! Enjoy the day.
struggled with Fenway – was this supposed to be about Boston or Massachusetts??? must have been written by the younger generation! so much rich history in Massachusetts ‘modern-scholars’ know nothing about!
1:30, no reveals.
For Joseph C: Fenway is a ballpark snack in the middle of Boston (there’s one) and Massachusetts (there’s two).
Fenway? Hurt my time.
1:10 I would like to see Boston one day, byt if I don’t I’ll still die happy.
1:39 no mistakes, hints or reveals. Yay.
Only been there once, well twice, flying in and after driving up and down the east coast for 2 weeks, flew back out of Boston back to Vegas. Lots of American History there in Massachusetts.(I always have to check the spelling as that last single “s” before the last double “t” confuses me. Lol) Happy Thursday, everyone. Weekends almost here.
30 seconds. Too easy for this New Englander
Well, I bombed on this one. Used 4 letter hints on the first word and definately brain dead on the final. Used a word reveal. Never been to Massachusetts, but should have done better.
2:25 with two letter hints, first two letters of Cambridge befire I realized the answer. Misspelling cost me additional time to retype the appropriate letters.
Everything popped right out at me, but being slow on the keyboard, my time was 1:16.
Whoopee! Another north eastern state I will never spend money on.
Time today was considerably better than yesterday. couldn’t leave my comment yesterday!
3:09; 1 hint. I was trying to rush through this puzzle and I misspelled ‘HARVARD’ when I knew how to spell it. I hit the wrong keys (a simple typo).
59 seconds