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Hint: What is the name of the famous stadium that is home to England's football team and is the largest stadium in the country?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
I enjoy all the puzzles, but so often the word jumble is inaccurate, as today…one letter missing to complete the final word.
the Y was missing
1:42 Should have had a word with a Y in it, for Wembley.
Wow under a minute and a half. A new track record!
where is a word with a Y?
I don’t know anything about London so I had to reveal words. Not good. I’d like to visit London one day though.
Enjoyed the puzzle very much. Good geography lesson. Thanks AMAC.
2:26 I needed 8 letter reveals for the last one!! I’ve never heard of that. The others were fairly easy. I’ve never been to London and likely never will. The only foreign country I’ve been to is Canada and the furthest from mainland US is Hawaii, once.
1:25 no reveals, one of my best but could have done better
4:26. The final word was 7 letters long with just 6 letters to choose from. I probably spent most of the time trying to figure it out. I finally had to ask for a hint for the entire word – WEMBLEY. I think you need to hire a new proofreader, AMAC!
Last answer threw me off….1letter missing
I did it in 42 sec. Robert’s wife Sally
Used 1 Word hint and 2 Letter hints. Not familiar with London.
Need to have the cursor automatically move to the next letter on the word jumbles.
Only one “E” for the last clue. Makes things difficult!
Where’s the “Y” for “Wembley?”
Ditto what David said! Unscrambled all the previous words, but there was no “Y” in any of them. And unless you’ve been there, or are knowledgeable about the country, you wouldn’t be able to come up with the answer with the letters the puzzle gives you.
Worse one ever. Bah humbug….
34 seconds