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Hint: What is the main ingredient in a lollipop?
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:07 … I have trouble with word jumbles for some reason.. ??♀️
Don’t always like the word jumble, but did this one in 38 seconds!
I would have had the last word easily if they had used an R instead of the T !!!. I think that most people know the main
ingredient in a Lollipop is SUGAR.
There was a D there. No S. I saw GUARD.
There was a D instead of an A. To me it was obvious the word was GUARD. But noooo
The letter “K” does not exist in the word “sugar”.
Didn’t do to bad on this one: 1.50! These are usually my hardest. Thanks for the challenge!
All the games are great
All the games are fun…thanks.
I had GUARD, too, but figured it must have been SUGAR. This has happened every now and then. I still like the puzzles.
There was no u in my sugar clue but I figured it out anyway and it was judged correct. Funny that one word caused several different problems. Fun anyway.
1;22 not bad, I only had three letters, but still figured out it was sugar. I had trouble with the second word.
Puzzle not correcting.
Puzzle worked fine for me. No missing letters in the clues. 57 sec. Never done so well!
27 sec
My first thought for the finall word was sugar but the letters given were “K R A U M” cant get sugar from that. All my previous answes were correct? Just keep um’ coming. I love the games!
The answer is Sugar, but there is no S there.
I took it the first time and came back to check.
There is a G there.
I mean a K instead of an S.
1:48. Not too bad. This was fun.