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Hint: Perched on a cliff above Lake Superior, this Minnesota beacon shines as a symbol of strength and resilience.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Didn’t even bother trying to solve these. I never heard of any of these lighthouses.
Just hit reveal on everyone! I live in the Great Lake State surrounded by 100s of lighthouses. This was a really obscure topic!
Must be April 1. AMAC has got to be kidding!
Glad I’m not the only one clueless about lighthouses.
I never comment, but that must be a joke. Dua!
32 seconds with only 5 word reveals. My ignorance of light houses is on full display. I admire them, but lack of knowledge of them is severe
Out of my league.
Just did a reveal on ALL of them as never heard of any of them.
Definitely a thumbs down for me today.
5:23, with 3 word hints. I figured out #2 & #3. I’ve heard of #5, but didn’t have any letters to make a guess. I think I’ve heard of #1, also, but couldn’t bring it to mind. Never heard of #4, or #3 either, for that matter, but got #3 by shuffling the letters around in my head. I was anticipating lighthouses along the outer banks, and other Atlantic coast areas, but no joy there.
Lived in Minnesota my whole life. Lots of hints but, have been to Split Rock many, many times. Knew that one! Figured out some with 11 hints on the rest.
I don’t know any lighthouses; so just using only 26 hints {ha, ha) I solved it. I hope you all had a better time than I did.
This is laughable. Oh, well.
The only lighthouse I know much about is in Port Isabel, Texas where the mainland ends and the bridge goes to South Padre Island. Nothing fancy or large, but still open for visitors.
I cannot play this because the first clue is always in motion and won’t allow me to enter any answers
This puzzle was too obscure. Didn’t know any of them. It’s not much fun when the answers are a total mystery!
Have visited and gone up inside the Great Lakes oldest lighthouse at Marblehead Ohio, but this puzzle was tough.
8:44 Needed LOTS of help on this one
For the second one, I could only see the correct word, but didn’t enter it because I thought it didn’t have anything to do with lighthouses!
The only one I’d ever heard of was the Eddystone Light and that’s because it’s in a song. Not much of a lighthouse aficionado.