Key West
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Hint: What President frequently visited Key West and stayed in what became known as the Little White House?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
2:58 with hints… had a few problems with these….
I look for these puzzles every morning. Wish there were more. hint, hint.
I find the Word Jumble Puzzles the most difficult. I could not solve the first word but I was able to figure out the remaining words. Like anything you first start, one progresses from being lousy, to terrible, to fair, to average, to good, and then to great. I enjoy these puzzles.
2:11 with one hint… That first one was a toughie!
2:09 with 2 letter hints.
0:53 …. My guesses were right for once.
Took me seven letter hints! Not a good day for me!??♀️
1:39 with one hint. I look forward to the daily games!
3 minutes and 8 letter reveals. This one was tough for me until I got a letter or two, especially the longer words.
I got stumped on the last work after working for quite some time on the first one! These are always my hardest so getting a couple words correct without using hints is a plus for me! I did get the president correct – yeah!
Took me five letter hints…just couldn’t make sense of some words today. Good puzzle
2:15 No hints.
2:34 with one assist, first letter of hurricanes. Having grown up in Florida it shoulda been simple but I kept trying to unscramble a name versus phenomenon/event.
Whoever creates these jumbles doesn’t seem to understand how they’re supposed to work. There should be 4 ‘puzzle words,’ each of which has 1 or more circled letters that together can spell the ‘answer word.’ It isn’t right to have some of the ‘puzzle words’ without any circled letters. And it’s not right to have circled letters in the ‘answer word’ as has sometimes happened in these AMAC Jumbles.
Got them all, but it took me a while. Enjoy these puzzles a lot!
Time was 5:11… with 4 hints.
love playing word jumble
2:32 with 4 hints. Couldn’t get the first and last word without hints.