Junk Food
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Hint: Having too much junk food in your diet can lead to health effects such as
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
had some trouble figuring these out. 3:06 with a few hints. guess this isn’t my best subject!
2:24 no hints. I had trouble with a couple of them.
3:33 with a few hints…this one was a real puzzle to me 🙂
While too much junk food is not a good idea for everyday life, all of us enjoy the occasional brownie. This week has been pretty unnecessarily judgmental and negative…one might even say preachy. Lighten up, AMAC, we’re old and need the occasional treat. Think I’ll eat a taco today, but don’t worry, it won’t be a fried one.
3:16. 2 letter reveals on convenient
Convenient through me for a loop, wasted much time on it. Good one!
I don’t know why but I’m terrible at the scramble puzzles. I usually need the first letter revealed before I get the word. There must be something scrambled in my brain! 😉
4:48 Took a while to get convenient.
3:58…With a few hints as well.
Oh boy, 3:22 with four letter hints, first letter on unhealthy and obesity, first two letters for convenient. Was thinking in terms of foods and just couldn’t make any connections ‘til I used the hints.
3:34. I got stuck on the third word and had to ask for a (1st letter) hint.
1:05 makes the word jumble disaster of the other day a bit less painful. LOL
These words hurt, lol! I was thinking of snack food, not health terms!
OK — I confess. Moved in with my boyfriend about a year ago. He does not eat fast food but I was really missing the occasional fast food treat. I have just started stopping for a bite when I am out doing errands. Read a great article about Glenn Bell and the development of Taco Bell’s crunchy tacos — had to have a couple of those. And I enjoyed a double cheese burger at Mickey D’s. What should I have next?
No puzzle letters in the 3rd or 4th words. Would have been easy to make it right.
2:23 but took at least 3 hints. that was a tough one
Wait, I thought this was a Conservative website where freedom reigns supreme. What you call unhealthy, I call good food. Obesity, com’on, just remember, everything in moderation! Also remember, you can become obese on homemade bread and homemade spaghetti. I get tired of people telling oter people what to do!
My score is so bad I’m embarrassed to put it down. I was looking for food items not what was here. And in moderation, junk food is OK.
Yes, it was not bad, oh well. some of them I figured out, but the time and # of hints was pathetic.
This was tough. I expected different types of words. If stumped, with “hint” on first letter I usually got it.
First time I ever had to use hints. This week’s topic could have been so much more enjoyable. QUIT YOUR PREACHING, WE’RE COMPETENT ADULTS.
If you just use the reveal on all of them, you can be under 1 minute… Just sayin’
2:00. Got stuck on “unhealthy”. Was looking for food items, not the adjectives that describe them
Convenient was my downfall.
My first glance hinted that my puzzle was in some foreign language, but then I got the fourth word. I tried first letter reveal and got the first 2 immediately. #3 took 3 letter hints, but by that time the fifth one was obvious. End result was 3:31 and loss of appetite.
Brownies threw me a bit. Finished in 60 seconds.
3:02 I got stumpted on brownies. Yeesh. Use 3 letter reveals.
1:45 1 letter on unhealthy reveal.