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Hint: According to legend, if you catch one of these, he must grant you three wishes in exchange for his release.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:47 Needed a letter on shamrock.
1:20 I spelled Leprechaun wrong, twic
2:37 Not bad. Needed a few first letter hints. Irish and Scottish ancestry all through my family of red heads and blondes, including 3 red head grandsons. Life is interesting and colorful. Happy Thursday, everyone. Weekends almost here.
1:53 w/3 letter hints. I don’t know what bagpipes have to do with Ireland.
I should have learned how to spell leprechaun from ANY of those Irish nuns.
Top of the day to you .Very easy jumble today. Have a blessed day you guys.
3:25 with no reveals – HD to try a couple times on leprechaun.
Had to look up how to spell leprechaun! Got a friend who’s a professional musician that plays an autoharp and does Irish and Celtic music and has a song called The Leprechaun! One of my favorites and I always have to look up how to spell it!
0:48 my best ever
Probably my fastest time yet with no misses nor hints.
:45 record time for me. Luck o; the Irish! Erin go bragh!
:56 not too shabby. No hints or reveals.
:37. I’ve always associated bagpipes with Scotland.
3:02 Bagpipes took me a while and I had to look up how to spell leprechaun.
very American answers, not Irish at all.
Faith & Begorra….1:18
3:14 needed help spelling leprechaun, it took 4 hints.
1:29 Best ever.
2:39 But with a misspelled letter…
1:32 I’m surprised I got them so quickly.
3:23, not particularly great.Had to get 3 letter hints, 2 of them on one word. My letter clue for luck was l-u-c-k. Go figure? Guess they thought there wasn’t enough to scramble them. My ancestry indicates that I’ma direct descendant of an ancient King of Ireland.
1:18….had trouble spelling Leprechaun.
2:41. I actually spelled leprechaun correctly. That was a shocker to me. But I had trouble with “bagpipes” using 3 hints.
2:32; there is Irish heritage in my family so I was familiar with those words in the WORD JUMBLE
1:17 I usually struggle with these puzzles. This was the easiest one I have done and I am not even Irish
Spelled Leprechaun wrong. Otherwise 1:04.
47 seconds
2:36 after struggling to spell the final word.