Fourth Of July
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Hint: In December of 1773, this non-typical party served as a catalyst for the American revolution.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
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Except we aren’t a democracy we’re a constitutional republic! Otherwise a great jumble.
Democracy is rule by the mob.
2:04..Another great puzzle..Beautiful sunny day here in the Blue Ridge Mountains.You guys have a blessed day.
The “P” was not circled, but it did show up in the final clue.
2:36 This shouldn’t have taken me so long. Boston Tea Party should have popped up in my mind instantly, but it didn’t.
33 seconds. I taught U.S. history for four decades.
Fun! I got all right away except Boston tea party at first! Thanks!
God and country for God’s glory  and the godly covenant made at First Landing in Virginia Beach, Virginia. 
Why all the negative votes? Another AMAC glitch, perhaps?
2:29 with three letter hints (one each for the next three words/phrase. The hint for Boston Tea Party completely threw me, thinking political party and actually initially thought of the Sons of liberty. Guess I got too cocky after finding the first two words so easy. Regardless, it was fun.
I was getting them as fast as I could type, until the last one. For some reason my letters didn’t all show up and I had to go back and type them again. Maybe I was going too fast. End result was 1:38.
2:06. Should have done a bit better. Declaration and Boston Tea Party did not register with my brain today.
1:08 good time for me with one miss. Stay safe out there and always know that Jesus loves you.
45 seconds..
0:59 I’ll take it.
58 seconds is a great score for me! Go Patriot Go!
39 seconds. No hints.
1:36 w/4 letter hints…3 of them on declaration
:43 Great One!
1:06 Pretty easy.
2:06. An easier one for me than usual. I taught American History for years in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades. It took longer on my phone, too. Happy Thursday everyone. ????