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Hint: Iceland is often referred to as the land of ______ ___ _____ due to its combination of glaciers and volcanoes.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
What does ‘heritage’ have to do with Iceland?
3:20 Heritage got me.
1:53 Heritage?
Why is it that the last question never shows me enough letters for the answer. Sometimes, I can figure it out by the clue. When I can’t, it makes it a little hard when it shows only a few letters. I’ve had this problem for some time. Has happened on my computer and my phone. I’ve seen others complain about it too. When I first started playing this game, it worked fine.
The needed letters F A D E were not circled in the leading words and didn’t show up for the answer.
2:27 with 8 letter hints and four was used on “heritage”. I’m with the rest of you. . . heritage?
I saw “heritage” in the letters but didn’t believe it could possibly be correct. How does “heritage” relate to Iceland?
Just visited Iceland in September 2023. My husband’s bucket list trip. It was a beautiful, desolate, windy visit. Enjoyed the natural beauty and was glad to return to civilization. 1:18 for today’s puzzle for me!
I guess it’s a catch all that would apply to any country.
Four letters used at 4:43
4 letters 443
1:12. Two letter hints on heritage
no clue what it had to do with Iceland
2:06. Used 4 word hints on heritage before I got it. 3 hints on two others. pretty good for me on this type of puzzle.
0:44, but two of the words were not scrambled!
1:28. Arctic beat me to death
2:27? The clock must be running slow, if not this is my personal best.