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Hint: A _______ provides local information and helps guests organize activities they wish to do during their stay.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
48 seconds
44 seconds! Must be from my playing Wordscape everyday.
2:29 A bit of trouble spelling the last one. “I before E except after C.” Nope. Lol. Enjoy your Thursday. Looks to be a cool, cloudy day here in the desert southwest.
1:02 did anyone else have an issue with concierge? I didn’t have enough spaces on the first try.
49 sec. Pretty easy.
45 seconds. No hints or reveals
Yippee! AMAC did it right. All puzzle words had letters for the answer.
I just looked at mine and they all fell into place…Beat that…lol
1:20, slower than most of you, but still fun!
38 seconds, not hints or reveals. Clearly spent too much time traveling.
1:37…better concentrate more!
1:44 – took a couple of tries to spell the last one correctly
2:37; 2 hints (first letters of last two words).
40 seconds. I guess having a husband in the industry helps!
2:01 but needed two hints. Not much of a traveler but I knew the spelling 🙂
3:15. Used all my time on the last word I had to use all letter hints on it. 🙁
:56, my best in recent weeks.
2:33 with three letter reveals. The only word which jumped out at me was concierge, due to the hint. I then figured out restaurant on my own but required first letter hints on the others. Not a great performance considering I worked hotel/casino security for over 23 years at one of the major properties on the Las Vegas Strip.
0:45 My best ever on Word Jumbles
So, I spelled concierge correctly the first time, it told me I was wrong. So,2:14 and 3 checks is wrong
Just as I do with the rest of the games, I consider myself as having “won” if I complete the game. So what if it took me well over 4 minutes!
37 seconds
You finished the puzzle in 0:59
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
1:13…had to have help with concierge. I don’t stay in hotels that have one.
Best ever I think