Hot Drinks For Cold Days
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Hint: A classic winter treat, rich and chocolatey, often topped with whipped cream or marshmallows.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
No idea what the first and third drinks were. Never heard of them.
1:11 Never heard of the third one, but remembered seeing in Tuesday’s puzzle
2:39….revealed matcha?????
2:18… 6 letter reveals (I’m not good at these scrambles-my brain is scrambled enough!) Plus I never heard of the first one.
39 after correcting the fact one letter did not post. I like to do the word search first, as it helps me have an idea as to what words will be in the jumble.
43 seconds. Easy one.
Never heard of the third one….
51 seconds! That is a record for me.
1:44 What about cider?
3:11 one hint…..these are so hard for me.
38 seconds. My fastest. But this is the easiest puzzle I’ve seen here. Merry Christmas!
49 seconds! This one was easy.
1:03 w/one letter help.
I believe that ties my record
6:44 four letters
37 seconds!
54 seconds . . . record for me. Read where many said, “never heard of before.” I always do this puzzle last because you’ll often see most words within the other weekend grouped puzzles.
Never heard of the first or third ones.
3:46. A little slow on this one. Never heard of Matcha. Used 5 letter hints on it.
1:04 Easy one!
1:30 They all sound good right now!
Hot “Coco?”
56 seconds! Must be the hot coffee helping the ole noggin.