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Hint: Which riding discipline is used in Show Jumping, Dressage, and Racing?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
AMAC- thank you for another beautiful picture of these fine animals. Oh, and I did okay!
:45 I had shingle instead of english at first.
I also had shingle ????
It would have been so easy to do it right and include one or two letters for the answer in the fourth puzzle word.
2 minutes of brain-searching letter rearranging fun.
1:05. Got stuck on “English” too. I had “sheling”. I don’t think that’s a word. I did a reveal on it.
47 seconds – Either I had good luck or the puzzle was too easy!
Unusually, I blasted through the first four words but was completely baffled by the last. I usually know what it is just by the hint, but not this time. Had no idea that “English” was a horse riding discipline.
2:47 with 2 letter hints
2:07 No hints, reveals or incorrect words.
2:47 with 7 letter hints. I had shoer on the first word!!
1:42 Fast for me!
33 seconds. I’m getting good at this.
1:12 I misspelled Equestrian.
41 seconds
Years ago I rode and showed English, jumped and did some dressage training with my horse. He was so versatile. Competed once in Barrel Racing. So much fun. I was in my English gear with my English saddle and six months pregnant. But my horse had apparently done this in his earlier life in Ok because he saw those barrels and took off. At other times I also rode Western, incl. in the desert around Las Vegas, then still undisturbed. Pictures of rattle snakes and beautiful flowering cacti are popping up as memories as I do today’s puzzles. Thank you, AMAC. Sorry for rambling about a big part of my younger years. 🙂
0:37 Seconds. No reveals. No hints.
You finished the puzzle in 0:54
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
1:29 with one letter reveal for stallion. Hmmmm…..
Missed the last one
2:02 but needed first letter hints on the last three to get them.
Finished in 2:54, but on first word it would not take last letter in horse ????