History of St. Patrick Day
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Hint: An Irish Gaelic toast meaning 'health,' often used when raising a glass.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
My biggest problem today was spelling! I used to teach spelling. If my students could see me now. Lol
I knew the last one but heaven help me on how to spell it!
1:17 and no hints. but I’m Irish, so this week doesn’t count… just helps me feel accomplished. hahaha!
I was doing great until the last word.
5:27 with a dozen word hints.
Spelling not very good on this one. . . . used 12 letter hints. Never heard of the last word.
4:28 with 2 letter hints on second word and lots of lots of attempts to spell words. Not very good.
2:09…good time for me…..had to pause to look up spelling on a couple of words….hahahaha
1:52 and it froze when I was finished.