History Of Hanukkah
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Hint: __________________ IV was a Seleucid king who ruled during the Hellenistic period. His oppressive policies, including the desecration of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, sparked the Maccabean Revolt.
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Don’t know about others but never heard of Antiochus before – are you kidding me?
Had to Google the “hint”. Not Jewish, so I didn’t know this.
Revealed the final one
I was smoking until I got to the last one. The hint meant nothing to me. I would have had to reveal each letter so I just skipped to “reveal word”. I will chalk it up to learning another thing about something I knew little about on Monday. Surprised that no one has commented about “Hannukah” being misspelled as this week’s subject. Of course, two k’s instead of a n’s may be an accepted spelling of the word.
0:39 Taught a class in the history of religions so this item was fastballs down the middle.
2:34 – 4 hints. I was just talking to my daughter about the Menorah & I had to take 2 hints before I solved it, the same with the Seleucid king.
2:43 Googled the spelling of Antiochus.
1:10, the jerusalem one was easy but i did have to reveal the second to last one!
1:04. Had to get help on the last one.
3:39, had trouble with the last one.
Had them all but the last one. Don’t recall hearing that name.
Also.. revealed the final one
obviously not a bible scholar.