History Of Coffee
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Hint: Named after its country of origin, this classic brewing method uses a plunger to extract rich, bold flavors from coarsely ground coffee.
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Had not heard of the third word before.
What ever happened to Maxwell House?
5:30 1 reveal What is affogato?
Shouldn’t one of the words have an ‘H’ in it in order to spell “French Press”?
I once heard that the number of syllables used in your preferred coffee ordered as star bucks($$$) shows how big a jerk you are. I drink BLACK coffee.
I had never heard of affogato before, so I learned something new. But where was the “H” for French?
Have had my share of coffee, but never heard much about affogato before today. It’s an Italian dessert with a scoop of gelato/ice cream, plain milk-flavored or vanilla, and topped with hot espresso. Don’t know how long I’ll live but affogato will never hit my palate early in any day.
43 seconds with only 5 word reveals! 🙂
3:43. I knew #3, but had difficulty spelling it, and on the final one, I was unable to put a letter in the second space of the second word, so I had to reveal it, just to stop the timer.
6:18 7letters used
Turns out affogato is an Italian mixture of ice cream and expresso. I’d never heard of it and had to have the word revealed. Otherwise I managed the rest, but took 6:16 minutes most of which was trying to figure the Italian one out.
2:43 with 12 letter hints because of the third one and french press. Not my favorite subject.
4:07 with 5 letter hints, all on the third word. Not a coffee drinker and never heard of the third word.
4:31 with 11 letter hints. I’m not a coffee drinker, but got them all except the third one. Never heard of it. And I used a few letter hits for the final one.
#3 espresso poured over ice cream. Mmmm
Number 2 ?????